Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Aunt Chris & Lulu...Get creative!
An Up-Do!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

The Surprise!!!!

We set the stage...In the party room...
At Oaks Park Skating Rink!
Rented the place for a couple hours!
Play some air hockey...
Get on our skates....
Practice a bit...while waiting....
For Chris & Tara to bring...
Family & Friends!!!!!!
Creating a party for my girl!
Yup! A complete surprise!!!!
And then we hit the floor...
(some of us literally:)
A little Hokie Pokie...
And skating....
More skating...
And laughter...
And joy...
And delight!
40 years of Taunia Marie!!!



Everything is prepared....So...we play Nerts & wait....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Gathering...

On this clear summer day...Thayen...
and Jayde...
Bring their Moms and sibs...
To join the family for Taunia's
SURPRISE 40th Birthday Party tomorrow!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Full Strawberry Moon

Oooooh!!! I do love the moon rise!!!When it's full!!!
And the Mountain...
As the day closes!
In Europe, they call it the Rose Moon!And now you know!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Has been hunting again...
Caught a field mouse which Taylor rescued...
And freed~ Sophie...is not....

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Fun!

Our day began...
With deer sightings.Then...
Strawberry dipping...
Dessert for Taunia's...
Birthday barbeque later.
With time...
For the first summer run through the sprinkler...
And a relaxing soak!
Before heading to the Mann's


Forty Years...
Taunia Marie!!!My 1st Gold Medal!!
Happy Birthday, Sunshine!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Back the the berry fields...
For fresh strawberries.
Another 30 pounds!
And some raspberries too!
To create deliciousness...
Fresh strawberry lemonade and chocolate covered...
For Taunia's birthday party!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


On the first day of summer...1921...
James Whitmore arrived, welcomed by Verne & Vera Gilbert
Here...about 6 months old guarded by TegSweet boy...about 3 years old
High school graduation
Honeymoon 1945
Father's Day 1949...
with me & Judy
Celebrating 80 years in 2001
My Daddy...
I miss him...and still celebrate!!!
His love and care.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Breakfast!

Baby Dutch Babies...Fresh Strawberries...
Whipped Cream!Yum!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Strawberry Pickin'

Taunia found a U-Pick place...Philbrook Farms in Vancouver...And...PERFECT strawberries!!!
We picked 70 pounds!!!
To take home for eating, jamming, juicing, freezing....
And savoring!