Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Thirty Years...
Timothy James!
A sweet & eager child...
An amazing young man...I'm proud to call my son!
Happy Birthday, Darlin'!!!!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pascuzzi Housewarming...

Talia cleans the pool...Anticipating the arrival of family...
Celebrating Pascuzzi Haven....
Jayde shows us how cool the pool...
Todd cooks...
Cousins play...Caroline tries out the swing...
Friends & family gather to eat...
Huck has a try on the tire swing....
Jayde shows Huck around...
The Full Buck Moon rises in the evening sky....
We end the day with a bonfire...
Celebrating the Pascuzzi's new home...


Momma and her boy...Sweet!!!

Chicken Herder

It's her job...To herd the chickens into their pen...
She catches one...
And shows Huck...
He and Uncle Todd...
Are very impressed!
Jayde's a farm girl now!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Life Lessons... Sophie...teaches...
Taylor about the 'circle of life'.
Taylor is a bit resistant...And intervenes when she can...
Rescuing the prey...
(Encouraging it to squeek for Kip...)
And releasing it to live another day.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pfaender Reunion...

For seventy-some years...
The Pfeander family has gathered...
In the early years, with the Gantenbeins...To share good food...
Family and history...
This year, only a few 'die hard' Pfaenders show up...
But, 26 is still enough...
To connect...
And remember our heritage.
I'm glad I was there.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Someplace Wonderful!

The boys come to play...
On my mountain...
Spike & Huck...
Experiencing the wonder of...
Hay play!
Haying season...
The beauty...the smell...
Jake raking...
Rick baling...and loading...
Shoooing field mice into the open...
For the boys to 'save' from their preditors...
Examine and enjoy for awhile...
Uncle Trav stops by to share a few moments...
And after everyone heads home...
The sun begins to set...
The sky quiets to shades of pink...
As critters join the dance...
Of days end...

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Barbara Moon~

I ALWAYS delight...
In the crescent moon!My favorite!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Henry has company...
A hawk friend...And a turkey vulture...
Come to check out his domain.
Still oversees it all....

Monday, July 12, 2010


As the sun sets, illuminating rows...
And the scent of fresh mown hay fills the evening air...Todd, Huck, Olive & Milo...
Wander the field...
Stirring up memories and creating...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Our resident red-tailed hawk...
Searches for field mice...As Uncle Rick mows the hay under his tree...
He takes to the sky...
As he rises above the field...
And soars majestically...
Under the afternoon sun!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Jake's mowing this year... A fine job...
Don't you agree!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

More Coolin' Off....

We headed off to Oxbow Park...
Spike, Taylor & I... To a lovely spot on the Sandy River...
And joined TJ...
& Lili... Tess, Vashti, Olivia...
And friends...
A very FUN afternoon!!!