Sunday, April 28, 2013

And They've...

The Stoddart Family!!!
A special bunch!!!


 Goofing off...
 Tami & Dave...
 Livin' & Lovin'
Seventeen years together!!!


And my Stoddart Grands!!!
 So much joy!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Found It!!!!

First Reuben, then Grace, then Isabel...
The penny in the Find It game!!!!

The Garden...

Is moving...
 And everyone...
 Is helping...
 To dig the holes...
 And set the posts...
 Making sure they're level...
A good start...
Many hands make light work!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Heading Out...

On the hunt...
 Patiently waiting...
Hoping to find obsidian...
Though not an arrowhead, this one has been worked!
A worthy find!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Target Practice...

Grace & her deer...
Head out into the field...
 She aims...
She shoots!!!
Poor deer!!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

A Birthday Visit...

To  La Center...
 Checkin' on the chickens...
 And celebratin' Tara...
With sunflowers & a pair of Grampa Jim's wire cutters...
And we just had to drive to the tulip fields again!
A lovely day!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Such A Day!

I traveled to Monroe yesterday...met Taylor there for a sleepover at Pascuzzi Haven...
We wake to spend the day with the girls while Talia & Rich are off workin'.
 Jayde helps me clean up from breakfast...
 Taylor creates pretty toes for Brook...
 Then there's a bit of 'scupture' time...before heading out...
 To climb...
 And swing....
 And climb...
 And slide...
And run...
 And pull...
Then it's back-to-school time for Taylor...
And lunch-'snoozin' time for Jayde, Brook and their Bma!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Silly Boys....

Like Father,
 Like Son!
Hanging with Uncle Travis!!

A Project - Day 2...

I serge all the pieces...
 And we get to sewing...
 Feels like deja vu...
 Oooh! It's coming together!!!
Only a few more steps!!!!

In Threes...

Since she arrived, I've been itching to knit...
 Up this pattern...
 Using this wild iris yarn...
For this Sweet 'P'!


Good Morning, World!
Happy Day!!!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

A Project...

For Poppy...
 Do you think we can do it...together, Bma?
Yup!  I'm sure we can figure it out!
 We assemble the pattern and cut out the pieces...
We've begun!!!!!