Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tai Chi Grove

It's cool and quiet and serene....a stopping point along my morning jog....to practice Tai Chi....the short yang form....breathing, using muscles gently, strongly....balanced, centered....a lovely way and space for beginning my day! Leaving peace for all who enter here. Perfect!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Taylor wanted a pet, I said "no!" Aunt Denny brought in wild barn kittens for Aunt Patsy....to find them homes....Sophie adopted Taylor with a simple blink of her eyes! A year past....still a wild thing....member of our eclectic family....Taylor says I love her....you know she's right.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Daddy's Chairs

He used old chairs....the metal, folding kind with webbing torn and weak....and mule tape, gleaned and washed and wound....stored in buckets and on wooden spools. For hours, he wove new backs and seats....a friend made wooden arms. Unappreciated until now...he's gone...and I sit in his love....remembering.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Patty & Me

We met when babies young (her 1st, my 6th)....I helped her learn to knit. Twenty-five years....13 babies (her 5, my 8)....13 grandbabies (her 2, my 11)....and still we knit. Forever Friends!

Friday, June 26, 2009


We bought a new camera today, Spike & I....with sparkling eyes he said, "Take a picture of me, Grama B!"....so I did!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


My bliss to hold a sleeping baby in my arms....sweet Huckleberry....joy!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am so grateful for this riding lawn mower....thanks, Daddy! The lawn is massive, but delightful for the family to play upon....and I am enjoying the time to motor around the property, smelling the freshly mown grass and appreciating these days to savor my parents vision....Sweet! Once again my shadow joined me. :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Morning Soak

So....after my jog, I put on the tea kettle and take a few moments to relax and enjoy the amazing view....Aaaaaah!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Me & My Shadow

Part of my morning ritual is a 2 mile jog....from the last 10 acre parcel of my family's 62 acre JW6 Ranch...most of it sold when the urban growth boundary crept into Happy Valley....briefly through the growing housing developments....then....quietly down, down, down in the familiar gully along the seasonal creek where I rode my horse as a teenager. This morning my shadow decided to join me. Fun!