Sunday, January 31, 2010

Goodnight Moon

One last 'light' show...As January 2010 says...

January Sunday

Today...a cloudy day?
Or...a sunny day?
Or...a cloudy day?
Or...a sunny day?
Or...a cloudy day?
Or...a sunny day?
A beautiful day...whatever!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Friday Discoveries

Went out for a walk...after school & work... Found a park...and a killer slide...
And swings...
And a glimpse...
Of Spring!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thursday Snapshots

Sunrise...clear & cool!Huck...practicing!
Quazi...getting used to iguana kibbles.
She's preparing to move in with a new family...
3 kids eager for a new pet!
Thanks for the memories!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

persisting stars - yes! Lesson #2

Photography prompt
Who am I? Take a self portrait. Be creative! A self portrait can be literal - ie ~ a photo of you ~ OR it can be something that relfects YOU (your essense) ~ a place were you are most peasceful, an item you own that is deeply personal to you...your feet...a secret wish you have nesting CREATIVE... This is my 1st tattoo...November 2007...age 58. Life changes...this a reminder...willingness to accept my part...all phases...with JOY! At least one facet of a portrait of me.
For this week…your ‘creative space’
Take even just one hour this week to have a thoughtful look at your creative corner with fresh eyes. Remove anything and everything in that space that does not lift your spirits, stimulate your imagination ~ elevate your mood. Remember, there is inside motivation for creativity but outside motivation is essential as well, and this is your chance to sprawl out on the floor just like in kindergarten and ’splash some creative finger paint around.’ Take a picture of one thing in your creative space. Todd made this whimsical ceramic bowl for me a few years ago...sits next to my bed...always makes me smile!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


The darling girl...LOVES...eggs!And shares a SECOND breakfast with Uncle TJ!
Soooo CUTE!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Celebrating Jayde...and family!

First...the trophies of the day!
Uncle TJ's 22 lb catch tops Richie's 10...:)1 year plus 2 days old...Jayde prepares to blow out her candle...
And does so successfully...all by herself!
Then the fun begins...the 1st tentative taste...
The delicious feel of frosting!...
And the yumminess of funfetti cake!...
Momma's favorites...
Aunt Taylor's delight...
Then fun play on the new wheelie bug...
Thanks, Family!
And after we have worn the darling girl out...
and she is safely tucked in bed...
Talia, Uncle TJ & Aunt Taylor...
create soft melodies together!
A sweet ending to a lovely day!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Box Play

2 Cousins plus one box...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Uncle Love

There's a bond...precious...tender...sweet...
Uncle TJ & Huck
Melts my heart...

Monday, January 18, 2010

persisting stars - yes! Lesson #1

I've begun a new photography/writing e-course...
For this week…Writing:
Each morning make a list ~ it can be anything you like, it can be short or long but keep it light and hopeful and happy.
I do love lists!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Winter Smiles

Daffodils...promises of spring!Flocks of starlings...
Sky dancing...
In unision...
On a drizzly winter day!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Playin' Hooky

Our day began with...fruit salad & CheeriosThen some tricky tower building...
Momma Chris decided to play 'hooky' and joined us to pick up Spike from school...
We stopped for chai tea along the way.
Spike, Huck & I put the sides on Huck's birthday wagon...
And we took the ATW out for its maiden journey...
To the park...for swinging...
And sliding....
And lots of fun...before heading back home.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Morning Sky...

It seems...this time of year...when there is color in the morning sky...It is delicious Barbara pastel colors...
Takes my breathe away...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Winter Walk

This winter morning begins crisp, clear and beautiful...I head into town ... for a city walk...
We begin at Grand Central Baking Co...
With yummy breakfast biscuits...
Then Candace & I begin Walk 8...
Ladd's Addition to Hawthorne Blvd Loop.
We meander through the neighborhood...learning history of our fair city...
This...a Portland Heritage Myrtle Tree in front of a 1916 church rectory.
The afternoon sky is beautiful as well...
We stop for warm chai tea & a lemon bar at Palio's Dessert House on the circle...
Before heading back to our car... happy adventurers!