Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Mom & I drove through...
Willamette National CemeteryRemembering...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Baby Boy...

Graduated today...Lindfield College...
Class of 2010
Travis Daniel Isaacs
Bachelor's Degree in History!
He blesses my heart!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

First Day...

In their new home...Jayde & Kai enjoy freedom...
And Rich has lots to do....
Pascuzzi Haven!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Pascuzzis...

Are moving...To Monroe, Oregon!
And unpacking...
And unloading...
A new beginning!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Full Flower Moon

It's like a gift...when the clouds part at the end of the day...Revealing the day from full...
May in most areas, flowers are abundant everywhere at this time. Thus the name of this Moon.
Other names include the Corn Planting Moon and the Milk Moon.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just for a moment...

As the day begins...
Mt Hood peeks into the sunshine above the spring clouds!As always...majestic!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Rainbow!!!Complete...and ending...
Surely, a sign :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Pholcus Phalangioide

My new pet...the 'daddy-long-legs spider'Doesn't have a name yet...but here's why I'm keeping it:
It eats mostly other spiders! Yup!!!!
One of the spiders it eats is the much larger house-spider of the genus Tegenaris, the large hairy funnel-web spider that is one of the main causes of 'arachnophobia'... is fascinating to watch!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May Morning

Overnight showers...
Tall grass in the field...Sunshine peeking through clouds...
My world...glistens!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday in Seattle

A Saturday evening wedding...took T, C & H to Seattle.
I tagged along to entertain Huck!
Ahhhhh! Sunday morning!
Todd & Huck finish their morning shower...Don special t-shirts to celebrate Chris...Happy Birthday!!!!!
Just a few blocks from the hotel, we find a small French cafe.
And enjoy eggs (and pickles?)...
French style....Yum!A wish for visit...Seattle Art Museum's
A picturesque meander from the city to the sound...
A nine-acre industrial site transformed...
Into an "open and vibrant green space for art."
Sculpture in an outdoor setting...
A dynamic integration of landscape, architecture and urban design.Awesome!!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sky Creations...

Mist in the morning sky creates sunrise color...Wind blowing whispy cirrus clouds creates sky waves...
Sunlight refracting off cirrus cloud ice crystals creates a sun halo...

Friday, May 14, 2010

A Visit...

From the mountian in the sunshine...And Spike's classroom pet...
Shelley...the hermit crab.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Good Day....

To see the sunrise...And for a walk... Huck followed Spike...
Around 3 city blocks...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Gifts!!

Clear skies...Majestic mountian view...Beautiful flowers...
And my first mother's necklace...
From my heart's desires...
Always to be cherished!!!!
I am blessed.........

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kip's Cupcake!

"I'm making a cupcake for Kip," she said.A giant one, it turns out!
She frosted...
And frosted...
And finished!
Happy Birthday Kip!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sophie's Gift....

So.. Spike and I were watching a movie...
When a...critter....ran across the floor.
I grabbed a plastic container and we caught...A gift...
That Sophie had brought in...
To share with us...
A field mouse...
Afraid and eager...
To be free!