Sunday, June 24, 2012


Came home and found a friend!!!!
We think it's the female that has been living in the barn!!!!
No more feet for him :) !!!
His girl is sooooo excited!!!!
Isn't life grand?!?!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Celebrating T#1...

Happy Birthday!
My sweet firstborn child!!!
 You are my sunshine!
I love you bunches!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Taylor and I, share the day with four of them...
 Hucky, Spike, Caroline & Esther climb...
 And count...
 $121,29 in B'ma's coin jar...
And with cousin Matt, play with Grampa Jim's rope tape... 
Just a fun-filled day!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


And Tara...
 On a training mission...
 Spike holds the prey on a line, then release...
And Hector attacks, in spite of a robin's heckling...
 Tara secures Hector...
 And lets him enjoy his victory.
Sweet Success!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

By Evening...

Clouds dress the mountain...
 A batch of strawberry-rhubarb jam cools...
And TJ grills a delicious dinner...
Simply, a perfect close to our day!!!!

Cleaning Up...

By the swing where the kids play...
 Piles of junk want moving!
 TJ joins me...
 And together...
We begin to create a safe space...for possibilites!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Slim Pickings...

Taunia, Esther, neighbor Lilly, Caroline, Spike, Huck & I...
 Head out to do some...
 Berry picking...
 Huck eats the 'perfect' ones...
But our buckets fill slowly...
The kids together fill one then off to play, while Taunia...
 And I each fill only one.
Still...a good time!
 A half crate of sweet strawberries, fun memories...
And a bit of sweet anticipation!

Monday, June 11, 2012


And Candlelight...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Rose...

 From Portland's Washington Park...
 Rose Gardens!
 We wander through the grandeur...
Candace & I... 
As sweet perfume...
And harp music fill the air...
A festival...
 For our senses!!!
Mother Nature's creations!
Then, home in the quiet yard...
We savor our own creations!

Friday, June 8, 2012


Clouds gather...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

An Uncle...

And his Boy-o...
Goofin' Off!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

After Days....

The clouds part...
 The mountain appears.
 Can one take too many pictures?
When each reveals...
 Yet another...
Of her majesty???