Saturday, August 29, 2009


This is our last day together...we have become a CIRCLE...Wise Women Council...friends:
Ambi, Catherine w/Shanti, Sandra, Claudia, Whapio, Rachelle, Miriam, Karin, Anya, Dalia, Kelly, Reyna, Adriana
Barbara, Laticia, Lydia, Juno, Lamaya, Laura, Rachel, ChristineWe have stood daily...for 3 the Mizong Tibitan Yoga positions:
Sunday, the midwife (wise one originally, but changed for obvious reasons) gazes at the sun.
Monday, the midwife looks at the moon.
Tuesday, the midwife stands as a candle, a light to the world.
Wednesday, the midwife opens her arms to fly.
Thursday, the midwife holds the world.
Friday, the midwife stands in the flowing stream.
Saturday, the midwife holds the bag of rice.
We all brought share...placed on the altar.
We witnessed one another...our heart leave our ' embrace a new self. leave in the belief in my unworthiness...embracing my part in this life...with joy! And each received a symbol...this mine.
Changing Woman

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