Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Grama days...watching baby fingers...Cheerios...the lesson...
And...the reward!
My grandboy!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Of cooler weather... Of one more taste of summer...
Of cozy warm fires...

Monday, September 28, 2009

September Skies

Afternoon Clouds!
Rain promises!Changes!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Esther & Caroline

Misty mountainless Sunday morning sunrise...Esther...
And Caroline...
Come to play...
And climb...
And climb some more...
My grandgirls!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

So...Now What?

Well...I let go...and giggle with he rides the Monkey Bike...I let go...and create a fruit fly graveyard...
(a little apple cider vinegar, a splash of water and just 1 drop of dish soap)...
I let go...and watch the moon as the sunsets...
I let go...and remember...with immense gratitude...this sweet life...
the abundance that is mine...
And miss her!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

She's moving to college!

My 'Baby Girl'...
University of Oregon...Barnhart Hall...Room 442.Up...4 floors...82 stairs...carrying 'stuff'!!!!...7 times up & down!
To her new abode...a college adventure!
Transforming a dorm room...into MySpace!
Created by Taylor! She's excited!
I miss her already :(

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Heading to School!

See how the sun is moving south?...Stupendous!Brothers, Todd & TJ, helped Taylor pick out a new take to school!..Sweet!!
We packed the Explorer...not sure if we would get it all in...
But...we DID!!!
Drove to spend the night with Talia, Rich & JAYDE!!!!
Who loves her Aunt Taylor...and is looking forward to having her nearby.
Very cute!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Autumnal Equinox

Dawn enters...bringing a bit of color...
Sun rises...clearly anticipating a glorious day...
As he filters through the trees...he illuminates the leaves along my morning path...
Autumn leaves...changing...magnificent...
The mountian has lost most of her cover...still stands majestic in the September sky...
And...the Barbara moon changes to gold...setting...following the sun!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer Wins!

Today...the last official day of summer...according to the calendar...played beautifully! Summer graced us with a glorious sunrise and a deliciously warm day.Spectacular!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Nature Walk

Day begins...misty...once again, Mt. Hood plays hide as I take a picture of the dawn! Hydrangea expresses her glory and beckons for a picture.
I change into jogging clothes...ready for my morning the sun begins to illuminate the morning clouds...glowing!
And rises as I head out the drive...welcome morning!
Sweet flowers smile as I jog along....
Bushes proudly display their autumn clothes...
Ferns nestle serenely on trees long ago toppled & decaying...
Sunlight shines through the I travel down through the gully.
Then along the neighborhood street...grapes peek from behind arbor leaves...clinging to a backyard fence.
A perfect rose shares her scent and smiles too.
Leaves share the wonder of their changing...from the edges in!
Pines & cones wave as I pass by.
And as I arrive home...ready to savor a few moments in the hot tub before my busy day begins...a peeper frog ribbits, "Have a splendid day!"
And I do!