Sunday, September 6, 2009

Beach Trip - Day #6

This beautiful morning is definitely on the edge of...stormy :) beach weather... We go for an early walk to look for agates...but...cut the walk short to head for the warmth of our beach home.
The three youngest, Jayde, Thayen & Huck, sit together...high-fiving and enjoying each other
Aunt Chris shares story time with some of the middles...
Uncle Rich's fish scale...weighs Huck...22 lbs at almost 9 months...
Although I don't have all my 8 here at one time...I do have all my 11 grandkids...Yay!!
Caroline, Colin holds Huck, Reuben, Grace holds Thayen, Esther, Isabel holds Jayde, Elsie & Spike... Amazing!!!!
The olders play a joyful game of Taboo...
Travis shows up to spend the afternoon...
After Talia, Rich & Jayde and Todd , Chris & Huck head for home, the rest troup back to the beach for a bit more skim boarding in the blustery afternoon...
Tami double paks sleeping Elsie & Thayen...
They fill up the hot tub...warmth! Sweet!
Travis & Sara head back to Linfield...the sun closes...
We've shared lots of love & laughter!!!
I'm very thankful for this awesome family!
Two more 'sleeps' before we head home!

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