Monday, November 30, 2009

Last 2009 November Day

Foggy morning...Time to get out the Advent Calendar...
And Christmas mugs....

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Goodby Crooked Creek

Sooo much fun...all too brief...We'll be back....

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Final Step

For 2 days, the dining table has looked like this...
We're decorating the Christmas Socks...the final step...
Elsie keeps us organized...
All the girls are participating...Isabel works on repairing Reuben's...
Tami's creating Ben's...
Taylor's in charge of Jayde's...
Grace adds some sparkles to hers...
And Tami puts finishing touches on Tara's...
Four completed...Only Thayen's left!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Ice Skating, Anyone?

Morning dawned...clear and crisp.We head search of skating ice...
Sweet aunt holds tightly to a little hand...
Isabel tests...
Reuben tests some more...
Oops!...too thin here...
Grace searches farther out...
Not quite time...for ice skating.
But still a delightful morning walk!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crooked Creek Thanksgiving!

Day dawns...crisp and clear... Grace & I go out to gather the early morning frost...
Back to the house...for a morning snuggle...
Elsie has her Thanksgiving bath...
Reuben chops cranberries for bread...
Taylor slivers almonds...
Then it is Thayen's turn for a bath...with the help of Aunt Taylor...
While Tami makes pies from her home-grown pumpkins...
Out to the garden to pick carrots...waiting to grace our Thanksgiving table...
Dave is in charge of the bird...looking good!...
I take a moment to appreciate Tami's 'bottle & friends' collection...:)
Reuben takes Uncle Willie out for some target practice before dinner...
Finally...the bird is done...and Dave is ready to eat!...:)
Eager to 'help' Tami get the food on the table?...
We gather...thankful...
Appreciating this wonderful family...and the abundance that is ours!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Heading to Crooked Creek!

Misty Happy Valley morning...Pick up Taylor in Eugene and head over the Santiam Pass...
Past the Three Sisters...
Greeted by Thayen joy!...What a treat!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We watched morning dawn... Sophie & I...
Appreciating the beauty...
And the wonder!

Monday, November 23, 2009


What a beautiful morning!...Ohhh!...
What a beautiful day!...
I've got a beautiful feeling...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Moon

Put the camera on the tripod... Got it!!!

Rainy Sunday?

The day begins...windy and rainy...Then as skies peak through fuffy white clouds...
I sew in the sunshine!
And as evening approaches...skies reveal an early rising cresent moon!
I try to capture night settles in! Just can't hold quite still enough... any rate!