Friday, November 13, 2009

bones of a poet - lesson #5

Turn the camera on yourself in a self portrait. Creatively represent who you are or how you wish to be seen with a camera. Catch our eye as you express yourself having fun dressing up, setting up a scene, creating a character, exploring the theatrical motif if you choose. Use reflections, shadows, all of your body or just one part.
I'm finding myself thinking deeply about this assignment...does any image really reveal me? Isn't much of what others see filtered through their own lense of perception? How do I wish to be seen? And is any image really my self?
Here are a few images I shared with the group...
Hands...Can my self be felt through everything my hands touch?

Eyes...Are they really the window to my soul? If so, is it what they see...or what you see in them? I did get to a place, as I was remotely snapping these photos, where I felt relaxed and wasn't taking my self too seriously!

My favorite is the 'standing in the field' one I posted Tuesday.

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