Thursday, November 26, 2009

Crooked Creek Thanksgiving!

Day dawns...crisp and clear... Grace & I go out to gather the early morning frost...
Back to the house...for a morning snuggle...
Elsie has her Thanksgiving bath...
Reuben chops cranberries for bread...
Taylor slivers almonds...
Then it is Thayen's turn for a bath...with the help of Aunt Taylor...
While Tami makes pies from her home-grown pumpkins...
Out to the garden to pick carrots...waiting to grace our Thanksgiving table...
Dave is in charge of the bird...looking good!...
I take a moment to appreciate Tami's 'bottle & friends' collection...:)
Reuben takes Uncle Willie out for some target practice before dinner...
Finally...the bird is done...and Dave is ready to eat!...:)
Eager to 'help' Tami get the food on the table?...
We gather...thankful...
Appreciating this wonderful family...and the abundance that is ours!

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