Friday, July 31, 2009


Tara & Spike are moving....from Rural Cook Street....expanding....from 1 bedroom to 3....joining Ben!Packing!




My Girl! She's got it handled!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Grama B'ing

We were up early...this day beginning a bit cooler, thank God! The girls joined me in the tub.We soaked!

And floated!

Then Spike joined the girls...they made magic potion to heal their pets.

In the heat of the day...Land Before Time...held their attention.

Later, they built a blanket fort and played imagination the rest of the afternoon!
Spike, Caroline & Esther...Sweet!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Sleep Over

It's a treat!!!!...Some of my girls are here!....We're still in a heat's just too hot at their house. But it's cool (for many reasons :) at Grama B's...sooooo....we're having a sleep-over!Just chillin'...watching movies...staying cool...and enjoying one another! Sophie found a praying mantis...brought it home to play. Life is joyful!!! Family is AWESOME!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Leisure Time

Life is doing a lovely dance with me these days. The music...once always lively...often hectic...busy...full of settling into a new kind of rhythm. These days, I'm listening...appreciating...savoring...the song. For this hour...I am alone...the chores are done...the music quiet...time to read..sip..knit!
And anticipate!

Monday, July 27, 2009


We're having a heat wave! The day began warm...70 when I walked at 7:00am...81.1 by 9:30am1:00pm...AC goes on at 78 degrees...holding.

3:30pm...lost electricity...499 PGE customers without power!


7:45pm...Power restored...cooling again.
I'm thankful for AC and a basement dwelling!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


His was a gentle, easy 5th child...2nd son - July 28, 1980His is a quiet sparkle...most always smiling, he.
The willing helper!

Tender & Loving


Wanted birthday pie.

We gathered to celebrated him...22 family & friends!

We're blessed!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


We met friend Candace and catch up...and savor the morning. After a yummy marionberry pastry, we headed for the rhododendron gardens...for a meander...and a visit.At every turn we encountered beauty!

And wonder.....

The earth is so full of lessons....growing together in diversity....


Tree Spirits dancing....

Reminders of Grama Pfaender....she would have worn this....

He asked for a handout....we had none, but he posed anyway!

Can you hear the gentle flow of this waterfall?

Such beauty!!!!

Dear Friends, sharing the day!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Taylor's Pies

She's heading south...then east...then southeast. She's joining Talia & Jayde in Eugene...they're traveling to Prineville...then traveling to Jordan Tami's...for a sister-fix. She's taking an 'offering'! She made them herself! One for Richie...and two for the Stoddarts. Chicken Pot Pies...Yum!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy Hour

The opening of an art show....Ben's's called an installation!Happy Hour...just relax and enjoy!
Eclectic Lighting!
Todd's iceberg salad...
Or...TJ's poppers!
And Ben's turkey sliders...grilled to perfection!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


We called them 'waterdogs' when I was young. We found them along the shores of the Siuslaw front of our Mapleton, Oregon cabin...where we spent many summer days. I loved them...kept them as pets...named them...made little beds from wooden match boxes.

Early morning....Newton crosses my path....calling forward sweet memories!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


She's gathering...stuff for her dorm room...excited! IKEA today...looking...deciding...choosing...giggling. She's growing up...the baby girl. I'm enjoying this time with her...and...a bit a season closes. Another 'living in the moment' lesson!

Monday, July 20, 2009

An Aunt & A Boy!

Crawling Lessons!
Staring Lessons!
Swimming Lessons!
Taylor & Huck...playing in the summer sun!Fun!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


What a cute car!...Saw it sitting in front of a neighboring house a few weeks ago. Just wanted a picture. Took my camera on my jog several mornings, but no Herbie. This morning, there he was with no camera! Phooey! Wait!! :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Breathtaking favorite moon...and look! close she seems :)...I love this new lens! I thought...when I started this blog...that I would choose just 1 picture a day! Well,...damn...the morning moon....then the evening to choose! And...there's the outtakes I'm not even posting!