Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Fun!

MacSlim and Jasper captured a baby sasquatch
And took him home to raise as their own!
Under a Hunter Moon!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Who is he?....

Is he...Speedman? I he...Elvis?
Is Spike?
Something's different...I'm a bit confused...
What do you think?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

bones of a poet - lesson #3

Express Yourself
Using an egg or eggs as your subject matter, photograph them in a way that you are conveying an emotion, mood or theme. Ask yourself how you can express yourself photographing the egg and explore different approaches, style and concepts to communicate with others your theme.
These are some of my favorite...
Autumn Morning Eggs-pressions
At sunrise...
Imitating mushrooms...
This one has been chosen for display in the persisting stars photo gallery...Sweet!
In mid-stream...
I am really enjoying this course...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Pumpkin Fun

Our lesson this week involves eggs and expressing yourself...
Mom thought it would be eggs-periment...
Good for a few giggles...and some interesting photos...
And then...along came Ollie!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Anticipation

Delicious dawning... Sun rising...
Welcoming this day....
Opening pumpkins....
Gathering seeds...
Perky Pumpkin Seeds...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

bones of a poet - lesson #2

Choose a subject matter for your assignment. Go wayyyy beyond your first impressions of your chosen subject and forget the 'name' altogether. Photograph it over and over and over in as many different ways as you possibly can even to the point of abstraction so it is unrecognizable. Respond to it with all of your senses and ask yourself how it makes you feel and try to capture the details that bring those feelings alive in your photograph.
Here are some of my favorites...


Friday, October 23, 2009


Emotional...finding it difficult to put into words...
A friendship...for 25 years... Babies...mothering...loving...learning of life...
The challenges...victories...joys...guilt...growth...dispair...
Discovering...talking...believing in one another...
Even when it wasn't easy...
Conflicted, very Dear Heart Friend...
now free...from pain...the heaviness of dis-ease...
knows pure joy and LOVE!!!
So very sad...her Left Here Friend...
will hear her voice...laughter...share confidences...see her smile...
no more...
Sip good wine together...
Share epiphanies of understanding God...and wonder how...
Do we live in this world...knowing...
What does it mean to live in the moment?...
When her place beside me feels empty...
And how do I embrace this pain...
Without judging it...
And find within...the beauty of a holy relationship...
Appreciating the memories...the moments...
The gift...
Of Patty...and sorrow...
I miss her........

Thursday, October 22, 2009


My sweet friend Patty...slipped (skipped?)...gently...into the heart of God today.My heart hurts...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Mountain glimpses... Warm sunshine whispers...
Dinner anticipation...
Sunflower smiles...
Just what I needed...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Without Thinking

In our main assignment...we were given a 'quickie' assignment...further to last week's assignment...this one:
'Lock' yourself in a small room in your house. Give yourself just ten minutes to take ten photo's quickly, without thinking about simply responding to your environment.
My 3 favorite!
And...Now I'm thinking...Spike is feeling MUCH better!