Monday, October 12, 2009

Close your eyes in order to see!

So...I'm taking a photography e-course called bones of a poet and the wonder of seeing. Sunday we were assigned our first lesson:
This week close your eyes and take at least 15 shots of your chosen environment by moving the camera around in various angles ~ turn the camera upside down, jump up and down, walk around in circles, stand on your head, lay on the ground, or simply stand perfectly still ~ take a moment to take a big beautiful breath and ‘feel’ your surroundings before pressing the shutter release ~ but do not open your eyes!!!!
So I'm playing with the different environments!
My Bedroom...
The Sunrise...
As you can see, I mostly missed the mountain :)...weird!
Mom & I drove to Canby to visit Patty...stopped at...
Swan Island Dalia Farm
And the Pumpkin Patch...
Very Interesting...I'm learning alot about myself!
We're to choose our 3 most favorite and 1 least favorite to share with the class...
I'll post my final choices later this week!

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