Saturday, October 3, 2009

Grama Pfaender

I stopped at the mausoleum today...Lincoln Memorial check out the view... And have a visit...with my Grama.
One hundred sixteen years ago today...her birth.

This her...before I knew her...sitting on her front porch...around 1944.

And on our front porch with Rick, ? and me (and Tippy?)...around 1956.

In 1971...another generation born...and she became Great Grama Pfaender to Taunia as my mom became Grama Donna and I became Mom!

She loved the beach...we went with her with Taunia & Todd...around 1975.
It was the only time we ever saw her wear pants!

This is the Grama I remember best...smiling sweetly...around 1976. And here, on her 9oth 1983...when she traveled to New Jersey to visit the cousins! She lived vitally...with grace and dignity!Thanks, Grama!..for believing in me. I love you...and celebrate you...

And this day...with JOY!!

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